Tangent and Albany Auto Repair

(541) 248-1346
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Monthly Archives: September 2024

Why Does My Car Pull to One Side?

Have you ever noticed that your car seems to drift to one side when you’re driving straight or when you let go of the steering wheel? This is known as pulling, and it’s a sign that something isn’t quite right with your vehicle. Driving a car that pulls to one side can be frustrating and even dangerous, so it’s important to understand what might be causing it and how to fix it. Misaligned Wheels One of the most common reasons your car might pull to one side is misaligned wheels. Wheel alignment refers to the angle at which your wheels meet the road. If the alignment is off, your car will naturally drift to the left or right instead of going straight. Misalignment can happen gradually from regular driving or suddenly after hitting a pothole, curb, or other obstacles. If your car is pulling and you haven’t had an alignment check in a while, it’s a good idea to have it looked at. Proper alignment not only helps your car drive straight but also improve ... read more



My car smells like it has a gas leak. Why?

If you’ve noticed a strong smell of gasoline in or around your car, it’s something you shouldn’t ignore. A gas smell isn’t just unpleasant—it can be a sign that something is wrong with your vehicle and couple potentional be dangerous.  One of the most common reasons your car might smell like gas is a gasoline leak. There are several places where a leak can occur: - Fuel lines - your fuel lines carry gasoline from the tank to the engine. If these lines become cracked, damaged, or loose, gas can leak out, causing a strong smell. Leaks in the fuel lines are particularly dangerous because they can lead to fire hazards. - Fuel Tank - The gas tank itself can develop leaks due to corrosion, damage, or wear and tear. If the tank is leaking, you might notice the smell of gas, along with puddles of gasoline under your car. - Fuel Injectors - Fuel injectors are responsible for spraying fuel into the engine’s cylinders.  - Gas Cap ... read more



Why Is My Car Making a Squealing Noise?

You know me I love a good list. Today let's discuss noises coming from your vehicle - and I don't mean the good kind. Any noise that isn't normal is concerning. Whether it happens when you start your car, accelerate, or brake, that high-pitched squeal is a sign that something needs attention. 1. Worn-Out Brake Pads One of the most common reasons for a squealing noise is worn-out brake pads. Your car’s brake pads are designed to wear down over time as they press against the brake rotors to slow down your car. When the pads get too thin, a small metal indicator embedded in the pad will make contact with the rotor, causing a squealing noise. This sound is actually a built-in warning system telling you it’s time to replace the brake pads. Ignoring this noise can lead to more serious problems, like damage to the rotors, which can be more expensive to repair. If you hear squealing when you brake, it’s a good idea to have your brake pads inspected an ... read more


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