Tangent and Albany Auto Repair

(541) 248-1346
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Tag Archives: day trip

What is the warning light with the lightning bolt for?

What is the warning light with the lightning bolt for?

That indicator is for the electronic throttle control and if it comes on it is best to have it checked out. Many throttles (gas pedal) are not controlled electronically and not by a cable.  Happy Adventures Heather

How often should I replace my wiper blades?

How often should I replace my wiper blades?

I recommend to replace your wipers at least once a year, much of that depends on the type of wipers that are on your vehicle and how much time it spends in the sun.  The sun attacks the material they are made out of and it causing them to streak and chatter as they wipe the window. If your car is indoors much of the time then you won't have to replace them as often.  Happy Adventures Heather

Why do I have corrosion on the top of my battery?

Why do I have corrosion on the top of my battery?

Corrosion on top of your battery could be caused from a bad connection, but most of the time the battery itself is leaking through the seal around the post. If you have it cleaned and the corrosion comes back then it's time to replace your battery.  We can do a battery check for you, battery acid needs to be handled carefully and fumes can lead to an explosion. Happy Adventures Heather

Why are my tires wearing more in the center?

Why are my tires wearing more in the center?

Tires wear more in the center when they are over inflated. Proper air pressure is important to your tire health and longevity. It also affects your fuel mileage and vehicle handling.  If you are concerned about your tire pressure stop by and we will check them for you. Happy Adventures Heather 

Why shouldn't I get my oil changed at a quick lube?

Why shouldn't I get my oil changed at a quick lube?

In a moments notice when you are traveling or even perhaps in an emergency that is fine. The biggest problem is that they are not all properly trained and they are not always looking out for your best interest. We had a gentleman decide to get a discounted oil change at a quick lube.  It was anything but a deal. They broke his oil pan and it had to be replaced. The person who changed his oil had no idea what they were doing and instead of a $25 oil change he got to purchase an oil pan. I know the difference was more than the extra $15 he would have spent here, and no they did not repay him for his loss of time and the repair. Yes it is oil and filter, the difference is the level of training and expertise that goes into it. Give us a call and let us take care of you.  Happy Adventures Heather

Why does my car shake at highway speed?

Why does my car shake at highway speed?

Most of the time when we have a high-speed shake the problem is tire balance not alignment. It may also be caused by a bad tire or an out of  round tire, your service center can inspect the tires and let you know just what needs to be done to correct the problem. If you are having this kind of issue it should be checked sooner than later, if you have a bad tire it may let you down any time or any where. We had a little visitor to the shop today. She was just so adorable! Happy Adventures Heather

Why does my car wander all over the lane?

Why does my car wander all over the lane?

This can be caused my many things from low tire pressure to major suspension problems. You should get to your service center as soon as you can for a safety inspection to determine exactly whats going on.  Happy Adventures Heather

Why are diesel engines more efficient?

Why are diesel engines more efficient?

  Why are diesel engines more efficient? You know I didn't know the answer to this one, with as long as I have been married to a master certified tech who all he does is talk about cars - okay so I'll give him 85% of the time he's talking about cars - you would think this one would have crossed our conversation. I talked with Jason and asked him why...his response was one that you would expect he started to go on and on. I said I need simple, people are asking, plus after all these years I still don't understand when he starts getting technical on things, or maybe just glassing over. Simply it is because diesel fuel has 30% more energy than gasoline, which makes it more efficient. If you would like more of the technicalities I can get those for you too.  Happy Adventures Heather

Continuing Education

Continuing Education

Continuing Education - did you know that Jason and our technicians go to training monthly. The spend at a minimum of 8 hours a month in a class room learning about the new technology that is coming. They are learning about everything from gas, diesel, hybrids and electric. We want to be prepared so we can take the best care possible of you and your vehicle.  Let us take care of you. Happy Adventures Heather

Should my brakes squeak?

Should my brakes squeak?

Should my brakes squeak? The short answer is no. They will sometimes make noise when they get wet and while drying out - think going though the car wash, or through standing water. Other than that they shouldn't squeak and if they do you should have them checked out. We do free brake inspections to make sure you're safe on the road. Happy Adventures Heather

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